25 September 2016
We looked closely at the features of a sunflower and used various media and materials to recreate them. Children demonstrated active learning by being really focused and motivated.
25 September 2016
We have been busy at Lickhill road setting up a fun building area to encourage and support early maths skills and physical development.
23 September 2016
We gave them some balls and tubes to explore. The children were so engaged whilst thinking of different ways to use the balls. Sharing ideas and working together to carry out their plans.
16 September 2016
Exciting news – some children from our Calne Pre-school have been published! Wow! Poems they have written are in a First Poem Book, we are so proud of all the young writers who took part!
14 September 2016
The children at Lyneham have been out enjoying the fine weather . The new children have discovered the stones and have loved transporting them around and working together to fill the pipe.
14 September 2016
Children have spent time meeting the other children and have settled really quickly. They all seem very happy and ready for an active year of learning and fun!
13 September 2016
A survey soon to be released from the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) found that 70% of primary school teachers have noticed an increase in the number of children aged three to seven wetting or soiling themselves during the school day.