25 October 2016
We made apple and pear crumble using the fruit growing in our garden, the children were able to follow the complete process from fruit growing on the tree to eating the finished pudding…and it was so yummy!
25 October 2016
Our visit from the Hedgehog was a huge success! We loved learning all about them, they were really cute and surprisingly, very noisy!
19 October 2016
The children have been using various materials to learn about different shapes this week. They understood how to copy the shapes outline whilst talking about how many sides and corners the shapes has. The children’s use of mathematical language is fantastic!
18 October 2016
The children had their own ideas about what they wanted to make and added various media and materials to create the spikes, eyes or legs.
15 October 2016
The children decided that they would like to make soup and worked together to carefully cut up the vegetables and stir in the other ingredients. It was just like the soup in the story, the best we ever tasted.
13 October 2016
We have been busy over at Lickhill Road, Calne, reading and talking about our favourite stories and what we like about the characters and the storylines.
12 October 2016
We have started to talk about autumn at Lickhill road and how the weather is changing, the children collected a variety of leaves and started by looking at the different sizes, shapes and colours
12 October 2016
This little girl realised how heavy the pan was once she had filled it with mud and water and had to work really hard to lift it, then she applied some critical thinking and decided to change her approach by taking some of the water out….how extremely clever!
11 October 2016
We have been exploring and finding insects and worms in the garden at Sunny Days, Lyneham. We found six worms and decided to measure them to see which one was the longest.
11 October 2016
These little jewels have fascinated the children…they spent a long time working together to sort the different colours in to different pots. Supporting their social and mathematical development, fantastic job