31 January 2017
The doubling of free childcare to 30 hours is being rolled out by the Government across the country this year. But, it turns out, free may not mean entirely free…
27 January 2017
The children have been engaged in imaginative play with their friends using available resources to create props to support their play and create pretend food.
27 January 2017
The children have been acting out their experiences together, rescuing birds, making them beds inside boxes and giving them medical attention.
19 January 2017
We created birdfeeders in the garden and really wanted to see the birds using them however every time we ran to the window to look at them they flew away!
19 January 2017
For some it had been their first real experience. The children were excited and used their senses to explore, making patterns and tiny balls, others were interested in how the snow stuck to their gloves.
05 January 2017
If your child is four before September 2017 you must apply for a school place before 15th January. You can apply online, using the link below. https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-primary-school-place
05 January 2017
We will be taking part in the National Bird Watch this term, making our own bird food and counting the number of birds in the garden